The gallery, meeting rooms and library lies on the lowest level of the bridge where main circulation occurs. The reason for this, is that they provide the most function to the public, not only those who carry courses in this building. This is an important function as the entirety of UNSW Students and Staff have access to this bridge.
The Office Spaces which include academic and administrative . Evidently, following one of Le Corbusier's Five points of architecture, the free plan, the offices are placed on a level above the bridge, allowing for a greater open space on the bottom floor and hence allowing for main circulation.
The Teaching Spaces are also built to avoid the main circulation of the bridge. However, as there is a vast majority of students using these facilities it is important that these buildings remain accessible. Hence the buildings remain connected to features of the first floor. For example, the studio is connected to the gallery.
The main reason for these walkways between buildings being uncovered is that these will be most frequently be used by students interchanging between buildings. When circulating between buildings its important to give students fresh air as being contained by shelter throughout the day will not promote strong educational habits.
The moving rooftop similarly to the moving roof on walkway embodies the theory, providing an aesthetic appeal and important function. In most circumstances the rooftop is half complete with the columns elevating the shelter from the ground providing easy access and enjoyment of the natural environment. The shelter closes to provide shade and cover from environmental conditions.